Space Cat, Prince Among Thieves

Pixel Circle / Oval Generator


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Playing Minecraft, I like making circular things. I used a chart while I was building, but wanted to be able to make variable size ovals which is something I couldn't find a decent chart of or generator capable of, so I created this!

Fork my source on Github!

Comment by: Ray on

Nice. I like the javascript effects.

If anybody else is interested in a 3d version, I have one over at:

Comment by: Robeomega on

I think it should have an option to download a picture of it and a zoom out button when for my mob arena im working at 223 X 223 its very hard to have to scroll and I end up printscreening it

Comment by: GHOST on

Is there a download to this?

Comment by: Wycratius on

New version is so much faster, thanks!

Comment by: RockOfDoom (nickname) on

how do i see my result, theres no where to hit enter or something to send my numbers through or something.

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

It should appear instantly as you change the value. If you could provide some information on what browser and version you are using I can look into the problem.

Comment by: Fiveheads on

I have been using this generator for nearly a year on my phone with no issues. I have been making semi circles in my castle that step up each level so it has a colisseum look. However, every time I load this page, in the box were width and height are, all that's entered in there is NaN. I can't add to or delete it. Rendering this generator useless to mw now, and there are no other generators that work for me. Marvellous.

Comment by: Check twice build once on

Having a few issues with this program. Trying to create a sphere to encapsulate the spawnable area for hostile mobs (wiki: 128 radius from player). So I doubled the radius to 256 then generate a sphere based on that. Before I started I plotted out 6 points all starting out from the 0/0 axis in the end (which I removed all end stone). Markers were placed exactly 128 bocks up, down, left and right so it covers all X/Y/Z directions. When building the sphere I noticed that the 2D sides did not meet up with my (triple checked) reference points mentioned above. The sphere generated by this program seemed too big ( by quite a sizeable margin I might add). Thinking it was my error I recounted the chart...three times...rebuilt...three times...but still no joy. This is a great generator to make spheres...not denying that....but for really technical mapping it's fairly inaccurate in "true to size" builds. Sorry to rain on your parade but thinking I might add this footnote for other builders like myself thus saving them time. But hey....if your just after a good looking sphere this is the program for you.

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

Your math is simply bad. If you have a radius of 128 the diameter in pixel universe will be 255, not 256, because one of those blocks is the center. That is your issue.

My circles are mathematically correct. The math in fact is particularly simple.

Comment by: Jim on

While I love this generator the png downloads will not open and a preview of them says the file contains nothing :/, love to get some feedback to resolve this problem if anyone else encounters or has encountered it

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

Thank you for the heads up. I'd heard this from a couple people but was never able to reproduce it until today. It ends up it was a race condition, so it was dependent on the speed of your machine.

I believe I have fixed the issue. You may need to clear your browser cache to get it to work.

Comment by: J-Dubs on

How big would i make a circle around a 50*50 build?

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

You'd want to do some simple trigonometry.

So to find the diagonal of a triangle or a square, you use the pythagorean theorem:

Since we're solving for c we want:

So entering your 50's into that we get

That rounds up to so 71, but to nicely wrap your 50 which is an even number we'd want to round up to a 72x72 circle.

I hope that helps ?

Comment by: AlphaBetheOmega on

Hello Team of Circles ;D
my ask is, can u make a better zoom? i have the problem, i need a BIG circle (5000x5000blocks) because i want to build a gigant melone circle like as a people on 2b2t
and the max zoom help me not realy...
also a ask, if we can klick on blocks, to say "jep i have have it placed or not" because it is a problem for me to now where i am are on the circle with blocks to build not a nonsense

Comment by: DLMR on

i like circle

Comment by: Tyson on

Is anyone able to explain the code behind this? I'm trying to generate random ellipses in a project I'm doing and I can't quite figure out how to do it.

Comment by: Bob on


Comment by: bobman2 on


Comment by: sandgreenpanda on

this is great! I was dreading having to scower the internet for a oval generator

Comment by: Kid on


Comment by: Glowstick on

I'm making a crop circle build over a huge field, this is a LIFESAVER!

Comment by: Henrey on

Awesome Tool

Comment by: xXMorbin'time_morbius(2022)Xx on

I used it to calculate the shape of Dr. Michael Morbius' eyes

Comment by: xXMorbin'time_morbius(2022)Xx on

Happy belated 10th Birthday!!!1!!!!!1!1!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

Comment by: ShOe730 on

Just an idea I love this system you guys but maybe in the future add a section beside what diameter you want for fill in the blocks with different colors to figure out how big you need it for different patterns just somthing I was thinking about that would be a cool feature

Comment by: Murvon on

Amazing tool! It really helped out making a bridge in my server. btw can you add a worldedit command generator to it? thanks xd

Comment by: Gonat on

This really helped me make farms and skyblock platform! The most useful website i found today:)

Comment by: Balls on

Bro I need the option to free zoom without that scale slider

Comment by: Cat on

thanks so much! This helps a ton with building :)

Comment by: jirka840yt on

helps me a lot but i would apreciete a free move around scaled circle

Comment by: O5-1 on

Wow this really helped me with the engines and insignias on my 1/3 scale venator-class star destroyer.

Comment by: stine on

It would be great if you could unmark blocks. Otherwise great improvements!

Comment by: Basaram Stefan on

The way I use this site is I generate a thin circle and I look at the blocks at the edge.
By going along the circle, I count for every line how many squares are directly next to each other.
For instance, one quarter of an arc, for a diameter of 9, it would be described as: 2 1 2, as in 2 blocks away from the centre point at the edge, on the next line going 1 block and then shifting the direction and going 2 blocks, completing the arc.

It'd be cool if the site generated these instructions, since I think this is an efficient way to build a generated circle.

Comment by: dun on

Great tool, though is there a way to generate lines to slice the circle into multiple equal segments, like if i'm making a sliced pizza art?

Comment by: M. Rochishna on

I like pixel art very much. Thank you

Comment by: Finn T. Gormley on

sorry i cant donate because i need my dad's permission hopefully others will

Comment by: tippyc on

Thanks much for this. I used it in Timberborn

Comment by: BIG NIK on

thanks for this great tool, it helped me build my rocket ship :D

Comment by: my_boy on

thanks for this,tool it helped me build my base

Comment by: Bryndan Meyerholt on

This is a great tool. It should have an option to generate a circle this blocks/pixels (up to half the radius rounded down thick) so, for example, I can create a circle that is two blocks thick. It is also not limited to Minecraft, but also anything that uses cubes, squares, or pixels.

Comment by: Dorodoro on

Helped me lay out my 55*33 arena! Thanks a lot

Comment by: Cliff on

Would it be possible to export this to a google sheet / excel, for like planning and whatnot?

Comment by: makayla on

Thank you so much I needed to know how to make a big circle in minecraft, I am trying to make the clock map in hunger games

Comment by: Cm09 on

Very nice tool helps me to build m'y alien vehicle

Comment by: michael on

if i ever become a big minecraft youtuber, i will recommend this, thanks

Comment by: subhan on

im very happy this app was realy help me to build circle

Comment by: subhan on

im very happy this app was realy help me to build circle

Comment by: MXVT23 on

Thx a lot I want to build a megabase in survival and this helps me a lot ????

Comment by: pblllrr on

While this tool is useful, I wish it had a thickness feature too. I use it to plan circles in Dwarf Fortress, but that includes moats which need to be several tiles thick. I currently use another generator for that but it's far more awkward than this one.

Comment by: steeeve-o on

this tool is amazingly great, and awesome beyond, i've been using it for a long time now, what i wish it had is a generator for all shapes, including help on diagonal builds. (most general angles at least like 30, 45, 60, from any of the main axes)

Comment by: Atomixe on

still using this! love that you're keeping this up

Comment by: Yeezez on

Thank you my new minecraft castle thanks you

Comment by: Joaquin on

It helped me drain a ocean monument

Comment by: QuasiSQA14 on

THANK U!!!!! really helped me build my megabase on SUPER helpful. (I used circles in almost every single part of this, and I liked the oval generator as well, but I didn't use it a lot. everything is SUPER cool anyways!!!

Comment by: Hunter Sullivan on

This is so helpful you have no clue how much I will use this to build platforms castles towers circles thank you for building this ????????????????

Comment by: thwartcube on

so useful thx for making dis

Comment by: jaymes on

i can now make a ring world if you dont know what that seArch it on youtube

Comment by: Nonyanae on

Love how the file was just called soup,lmao

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

lol, that was a bug. I fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.

Comment by: Elijah Smith on

Everything works amazingly, I would like if we could mark what pixel we are on in case we forget or have to do something.

Comment by: Askaran on

Would it be possible for you to add how many blocks are inside the circle?

Comment by: Cobalt on

Hey, idk how feasible this is but would it be possible to "slice" the displayed circle? Right now I'm building a mega build that uses curves of 400 x 47 that only form roughly 1/12th of a circle, and its really hard to count all the squares to check if my math is correct and curve fits those dimentions. If this isn't doable in code, any reccomendations for me to quicly check my work?

Comment by: Jack on

Dang, this is good! Thanks to you, I was able to create half my builds! Thanks! 8.65/10!

Comment by: Aditya on


Comment by: Joaquin Bonilla Suez on

using this for terraria

Comment by: CubeSlayer on

What circle radius is needed to greatly wrap around a 2x2? i am building a giant tree and would like to know the diameter needed for the leeves to make a giant perfect circle that lines up with the 2x2 ples

Comment by: Neil Hillman on

Truth is, I just want to be part of the 10 year comment archive! Great tool btw, I have been using it for years, mainly in minecraft builds. Thanks for keeping it online.

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

Honestly, I'm pretty bummed I had to limit them. The full list is massive!

Google complained the page was taking too long to load for people on slow connections which lowered my ranking.

I've a set max limit right now + I added a flag for comments I thought were important to always show. I should add a button to "show all" comments.

Comment by: CubeSlayer on

yes you should

Comment by: Alex on

Is there a way to see how many blocks to fill in the circle?

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

Set the circle to "filled". The number of blocks will be displayed in the "blocks" section.

Comment by: Becka on

I’ve been using this generator for years and have probably generated hundreds of circles! I love this!

Comment by: bigmanjim on

good in Minecraft

Comment by: Prince on

I use this generator a lot! i never new the comments are still open

Comment by: Izzak on

First comment in 2024 lol

Comment by: Finneas on

2nd in 2024 lol, I love this circle generator. I use it for my hardcore world house

Comment by: RedRhino on

Thank for making this website because I can you to circels for builds in Minecraft and not have to deal with a massives headack of trying to make it look good, so thank you again.

PS. At some point I'll make a big donation and it proboly be in the $100s.

Comment by: Mineblox on

This generator is really nice I am right now draining a ocean Momument with a 300x300 circle And this has saved me alot of time to do, Thank you!

Comment by: Maneater3791 on

This is the only circle generator that allows generation above 200 in diameter thankyou kind sir for making this.

Comment by: FanFive5 on

I use this all the time whenever I’m building a dome. Works well. Good Format.

Comment by: David on

Simple, nice, straight to the points. Thank you for your service!

Comment by: Sean M on

Is there anyway you could add JSON as an output format? Something simple like "x, y, filled (Y/N)" would be amazing.

Comment by: bebzoniusz on

good working generator

Comment by: daredevil on

i really like it. maybe you could make it so that we could add multiple circles inside of each other and concurrent pixels would show up with another color. could really help with buildings with layer/height.

Comment by: evie on

so helpful ty! i used it to create a knitting pattern

Comment by: Luna Doggo on

Does anybody know why exporting a circle with a radius of one hundred and fifty-two (152) as a PNG magically changes the width & height of the image to three thousand (3,000) pixels?

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

The PNG download simply converts the currently displayed output from the Pixel Circle Generator into a PNG image, including grid lines and spacing between pixels. The output is not just a pixel circle - and the overall size of the generated output is therefore equal to the output displayed in the generator.

If the scale slider is set to its maximum value, the output will be 3000 × 3000 pixels.

Comment by: Jeffrey Ferrie on

Jesse G. Donat Can you make it so you can generate a /fill command for this?

Comment by: rar on

there should be a way to show the center of the circle

Comment by: Ely on

This tool is awesome, but it would be even better if there was an option to download an image of your circle in its native size, without grids or smoothing so that you could plop a couple of these down in Paint or whatever.

Comment by: anonymous on

bro is answering people on the same day for 12 years straight
insane dedication to own's project

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

All the comments go directly to my phone ;) Makes it easy.

Comment by: GoldenFlowerLv on

making a bunch of fruit-themed temples. this is a life saver. the watermelon one is coming along well.

Comment by: onhas on

love you bro

Comment by: Chiatomas on

lifesaver bro I've been using you for years just wanted to say that the fact that this is free is incredible. I'll get around to donating eventually, I promise!

Comment by: Chiatomas on

lifesaver bro I've been using you for years just wanted to say that the fact that this is free is incredible. I'll get around to donating eventually, I promise!

Comment by: Shlong on

Thanks bro, my underwater sphere will go in

Comment by: MikeyD_YT on

I used this to make a circle but when I tried to create a sphere it didn't match in size.

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

Making a good sphere is actually more difficult than it seems. My friend Ray actually has a pretty nice sphere generator. He was actually the first comment on this page.

Comment by: Mr. Bob on

You're amazing dude! Crazy that you still keep this thing running. I'll be back in 2034 lol.

Comment by: DoitLetme on

IT helpet me a lot, with my base, thanks

Comment by: Infectionist on

So, this is probably a dumb question but, if i have a 40 block wide staircase trying to get into a circle.. what would i do to find the size of the circle to make it even?

Comment by: sluapb on

hey just wanted to know if there is a way to download it as a png. im doing a 505/505 for my mega base and really need an over lay so i can get it positioned right thanks!!
also this helps so much!

Comment by: Kerlan on

Great Work

Comment by: Ethan on

This is an amazing thing. You should add an option to display a number beside the different lengths of blocks so that anything above 4 you don't have to count. Also, you should clarify that it is calculated using a diameter, not a radius(maby add a option to switch between the two). It took me several attempts to figure out which one it was(This is because I forgot to subtract 1 from the Diameter when I originally tried it for a one-block center). But once I understood how it works it was a big help.

Comment by: Spy cakes on

I wished there was a 3D one like this so I can make sandy checks house.

Comment by: Jesse G. Donat on

If you check the very first comment on this page, at the very top, my friend Ray posted a link to his 3D version way back in 2012.

Comment by: shadowz on

thanks for making this site it has helped me with minecraft, space engineers, and suprisingly terraria

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